Safeguarding Policy For Voom Ride

1 Introduction 

1.1. VOOM GROUP Reg No 14495591 is an organisation run by: Michael Agius,

1.2. VOOM RIDE is based at: 

24 Marketplace,



PE37 7QH


1.3. VOOM RIDE is managed by a management team (the Team). One of the management team has a particular responsibility for safeguarding children. 

1.4. The Team has adopted this safeguarding child policy and expects every adult working or helping at VOOM RIDE to support it and comply with it. Consequently, this policy shall apply to all staff, managers, directors, volunteers, students, or anyone working on behalf of VOOM RIDE


2 Purpose of Policy 

2.1 This policy is intended to protect children and young people who receive any service from us, including those who are the children of adults who may receive services from us. 

2.2. As an organisation we believe that no child or young person should experience abuse or harm and committed to the protection of children and young people and this policy is intended to provide guidance and overarching principles to those who represent us as volunteers or staff, to guide our approach to child protection and safeguarding. 


3 The Risks to Children 

3.1. Nearly every child grows up in a safe and happy environment and it is important not to exaggerate or overestimate the dangers. Nevertheless, there are situations where children need protection including: 

  • Sexual Abuse
  • Grooming
  • Physical & Emotional Abuse & Neglect
  • Domestic Violence
  • Inappropriate Supervision by Staff or Volunteers
  • Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Acts of Violence & Aggression Within Our Vehicles
  • Victimisation
  • Self-Harm
  • Unsafe Environments & Activities
  • Crime
  • Exploitation

4 Disclosure & Barring 

3.2. VOOM RIDE offers the following provision for children: Home to School Transport 3.3. All drivers and pupil attendants must undergo DBS checks every 3 years including subscribing to the DBS update service 

3.4. The Team will take seriously any allegation of any impropriety on the part of any member of VOOM RIDE A member of VOOM RIDE who discovers anything amiss should get in touch immediately with the following: 

Miss Ana De Santana  

3.5. The Team will review the allegation and the likely risk to children and, if appropriate, will consider disciplinary action according to the rules and procedures of VOOM RIDE. 


4 Health & Safety 

4.1. Risk Assessments must be carried out for all children and the Team will carry out a risk assessment and then take steps to minimise all risks to health and safety. Parents and children will be made aware of any particular risks and of the steps to be taken to minimise those risks. The Team will keep a record of all risk assessments. 

4.2. Drivers & Pupil Attendants must be aware of emergency procedures and telephone head office as soon as it is safe to do so. 


5 Policy on The Prevention of Bullying 

We will not tolerate the bullying of children wither by adults or by other children. If any incident child-on-child bullying should arise during a journey, those involved will be separated immediately and the Local Authority informed immediately. The Team will review all incidents of 

child-on-child bullying and assess the likely future risk to children. Allegations of adult bullying will be dealt with according to paragraph 4.3 above. 


  1. Photographing Children

No photographs are allowed to be taken of children under any circumstances ever. If any person has concerns regarding persons taking photograph, they should contact VOOM RIDE. 


  1. Managing Behaviour, Discipline & Acceptable Restraint

7.1.  Adults supervising children at VOOM RIDE must never use any form of corporal punishment. If physical restraint is necessary to prevent injury to any person or to prevent serious damage to property, then minimum restraint maybe used, but for that purpose only. 

7.2.  All Incidents of physical restraint must be reported to the Local Council by The Team and guidance taken when given. 

This policy has been drawn up in accordance with the following: 

  • Children Act 1991
  • United Convention of The Rights Of The Child 1991
  • General Data Protection Regulation
  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Sexual Offences Act 2003
  • Children Act 2004
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  • Protection Of Freedoms Act 2012
  • Children and Families Act 2014
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023)